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East Tennessee State University Course Info

Johnson City, Tennessee


Course Info

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EDFN 5420

Foundations in Education: Building a Community of Learners

This is a graduate-level course that focuses on introducing the learner to the foundations of education, and the place of curriculum and instruction within these foundations. It focuses on the current context of education as well as develops an historical perspective. Contexts of education will include teachers, students, families, and community. Characteristics of successful teachers, their students, and the context within which education takes place are discussed. This course is required of all MAT candidates and must be taken in their first semester in the program; it includes 30 hours of field experience in areas of the students choosing - either K 6 (for those pursuing elementary licensure), 4-8 (for those pursuing middle school licensure), or 7-12 (for those pursuing secondary licensure). This class also includes an overview of the MAT program and initial advisement for beginning students.

Units: 4.0