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East Tennessee State University Course Info

Johnson City, Tennessee


Course Info

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PSCI 1010

Survey of Physical Science I (TN eCampus)

Includes a study of six fundamental components of the physical sciences, Newtonian mechanics; linear motion, momentum, energy, gravity, satellite motion, fluid mechanics, Thermodynamics; thermal energy, heat transfer, Electricity, Magnetism, Waves; sound and light waves, and the properties of light. This course also includes a study of Chemistry including the structure of the atom, the atomic nucleus, periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, acids, bases, molecular mixing, organic chemistry, and nuclear chemistry. This course will establish a base with which the non-science student can view nature more perceptively. This course is designed to correct a missing essential in the sciences: the practice of conceptualizing before calculating. The equivalent of three hours lecture and three hours laboratory per week is required. Four (4) credit hours.

Units: 3.0