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East Tennessee State University Course Info

Johnson City, Tennessee


Course Info

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SCED 5454

Residency I: Middle Grades Science

This course provides a comprehensive integrated science content perspective for initial teacher certification in Middle School Science in the areas of physical, life, earth, and space science. Conceptual understanding, content, skills, and dispositions in science including understanding of the nature of science are explored with an emphasis on integration with mathematics and other appropriate subject areas.

Units: 2.0

READ 5453 - Residency I: Advanced Middle Grades English/Language Arts
CUAI 5458 - Residency I: Middle Grades Internship
CUAI 5455 - Residency I: Middle Grades Social Studies
CUAI 5454 - Residency I: Middle Grades Mathematics
CUAI 5430 - Residency I: Middle and Secondary Curriculum: Development, Practice, and Assessment
CUAI 5442 - Elementary Clinical Field I
READ 5437 - Reading Instruction in Middle and Secondary Schools