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Morehead State University Course Info

Morehead, Kentucky


Course Info

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UTCH 200

Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science

This course focuses on knowing and learning in secondary mathematics and science as understood from a multidisciplinary perspective. This course is not simply a general survey of theories. Instead, the primary goal is to provide students with the opportunity to identify theories and employ these theories to guide their own practice. Knowing and Learning is committed to the idea that practice and theory build on each other. Any teaching practice is guided by some theory of how people learn. If students are not aware of this, they are likely to adopt teaching practices without considering the full implications of theory behind them

Units: 3.0

Hours: 3-0-3

UTCH 150 - Step 2: Inquiry-Based Lesson Design
UTCH 100 - Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching