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Sierra College Course Info

Rocklin, California

 10 reviews


Course Info

Search for courses by clicking on letters of the alphabet or by using a search bar. Explore course description, number of credits required and course sequences to satisfy graduation requirements.

MATH 0000A - Elementary Algebra

MATH 0000B - Plane Geometry

MATH 0000D - Intermediate Algebra

MATH 0000E - Practical Mathematics

MATH 0000G - B-STEM Intermediate Algebra

MATH 0000S - Just in Time Support for B-STEM Intermediate Algebra

MATH 0010 - Problem Solving

MATH 0012 - College Algebra

MATH 0012S - Just in Time Support for Math 12 College Algebra

MATH 0013 - Elementary Statistics

MATH 0013S - Just in Time Support for Elementary Statistics

MATH 0015 - Discrete Mathematics

MATH 0016A - Calculus for Social and Life Sciences

MATH 0016B - Calculus for Social and Life Sciences

MATH 0017 - Concepts of Mathematics

MATH 0018 - The Nature of Mathematics

MATH 0019 - Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers

MATH 0024 - Modern Business Mathematics

MATH 0024S - Just in Time Support for Math 24 Modern Business Mathematics

MATH 0027 - Trigonometry

MATH 0028 - Independent Study

MATH 0029 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics

MATH 0030 - Analytical Geometry and Calculus I

MATH 0031 - Analytical Geometry and Calculus II

MATH 0032 - Analytical Geometry and Calculus III

MATH 0033 - Differential Equations and Linear Algebra

MATH 0042 - Business Calculus

MATH 0042S - Just in Time Support for Math 42 Business Calculus

MATH 0581 - Arithmetic Review

MATH 0581S - Summer Bridge Arithmetic Review

MATH 0582 - Pre-Algebra

MATH 0584 - Math Success-Overcoming Math Anxiety

MATH 0585 - Foundations of Mathematics

MATH 0813S - Just in Time Support for Elementary Statistics

MATH 0824 - Just in Time Support for Math 24 Modern Business Mathematics

MATH 0842 - Just in Time Support for Math 42 Business Calculus

MECH 0001 - The Science of Electronics

MECH 0004 - Fundamentals of Mechatronics

MECH 0008 - Introduction to Electronics

MECH 0010 - Fundamentals of Electronics

MECH 0014 - Fabrication Techniques

MECH 0025 - Personal Computer Configuration and Repair

MECH 0028 - Independent Study

MECH 0044 - Mechatronic Processes and Materials

MECH 0054 - Mechatronics System

MECH 0090 - Microcontroller Embedded Systems

MECH 0095 - Internship in Mechatronics

MUS 0002 - Music Appreciation

MUS 0003A - Ear Training I

MUS 0003B - Ear Training II

MUS 0004A - Advanced Ear Training I

MUS 0004B - Advanced Ear Training II

MUS 0006A - Music Theory I

MUS 0006B - Music Theory II

MUS 0007 - Composition with Electronic Media

MUS 0009A - Music Theory III

MUS 0009B - Music Theory IV

MUS 0010 - Music Fundamentals

MUS 0011 - Introduction and History of Jazz

MUS 0012A - Survey of Music History and Literature to 1750

MUS 0012B - Survey of Music History and Literature from 1750 to Present

MUS 0013 - Introduction to Music: History of Rock and Roll

MUS 0014 - Introduction to Commercial Music Production

MUS 0015 - Audio Recording

MUS 0016 - Media Content and Public Event Technology

MUS 0018 - Live Sound

MUS 0025 - Introduction to Entertainment Industry

MUS 0028 - Independent Study

MUS 0029 - Audiovisual Event Production

MUS 0039A - Beginning Voice

MUS 0039B - Intermediate Voice

MUS 0039C - Advanced Voice I

MUS 0039D - Advanced Voice II

MUS 0040A - Beginning Piano I

MUS 0040B - Beginning Piano II

MUS 0040C - Intermediate Piano I

MUS 0040D - Intermediate Piano II

MUS 0042 - Chamber Singers

MUS 0046 - Jazz Ensemble

MUS 0047 - Vocal Jazz Ensemble

MUS 0048 - Concert Choir

MUS 0049 - Jazz Improvisation Performance Ensemble

MUS 0050 - Wind Ensemble

MUS 0051 - Applied Music

MUS 0054 - Symphonic Band

MUS 0057A - Beginning Guitar

MUS 0057B - Beginning Guitar

MUS 0058A - Intermediate Guitar

MUS 0058B - Intermediate Guitar

MUS 0810 - Selected Topics in Music