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Springfield College Course Info

Springfield, Massachusetts


Course Info

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ATRN 690

Capstone Experience in Athletic Training

This primary goal of this course is to provide students a capstone experience to their athletic training education enabling them to integrate new research and evidence into their clinical decision making and focus on their preparation for the BOC national certifying boards. Topics include: clinical decision-making, continuing education, research and athletic health care, current issues in athletic training daily practice and improvement of patient outcomes. Students will analyze their previous research-related writing assignments to create a professional portfolio, and engage in various research and writing assignments to continue their growth and development towards becoming evidence-based clinicians. In preparation for the BOC exam each domain of the BOC Role Delineation Study will be closely investigated, with review of the most recent changes. Students will create an individualized action plan to enhance their preparation for the BOC certification examination and complete 2 practice exams. Test-taking strategies will also be addressed.

Units: 2.0