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University of Louisville Course Info

Louisville, Kentucky


Course Info

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ANTH 380

Ice Age People: Colonization of the Americans - SB

It is widely accepted that the first Americans came into the New World sometime before 12,000 years ago, when the earth was in an Ice Age. Beyond this, little is certain. Anthropologists use artifacts to piece together the story of who the initial colonists were, where they originated, when and how they got here, and how they adopted to their new landscape. The goal of this course is to explore the contributions of archaeology, human genetics, paleoanthropology, linguistics, vertebrate paleontology, and paleogeography in peopling of the Americas research. We will discuss how the evidence provided by these disciplines is used in the search for Ice Age Americans. In other words, how researchers use prehistoric artifacts to build ideas about the prehistory of America

Units: 3.0