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University of Nevada-Las Vegas Course Info

Las Vegas, Nevada

 3 reviews


Course Info

Search for courses by clicking on letters of the alphabet or by using a search bar. Explore course description, number of credits required and course sequences to satisfy graduation requirements.

GAM 225 - Introduction to Gaming Management

GAM 334 - Gaming Management I

GAM 339 - Protection of Casino Table Games

GAM 340 - Gaming Device Management

GAM 342 - Problem Gambling

GAM 426 - Accounting for the Gaming Industry

GAM 434 - Gaming Management II

GAM 437 - Casino Industry Regulation

GAM 439 - Seminar in Casino Management

GAM 440 - Casino Marketing

GAM 442 - Sociology of Gambling

GAM 470 - Quantitative Methods and Applications in Casino Gaming

GAM 474 - Independent Study in Gaming Management

GAM 480 - Gaming Innovations

GAM 485 - eSports Gambling Innovation Lab

GAM 490 - Internship in Gaming Operations

GAM 495 - Special Topics in Gaming Operations

GEOG 103 - Physical Geography of Earths Environment

GEOG 104 - Physical Geography Laboratory

GEOG 116 - Introduction to Oceanography

GEOG 140 - Conversations With Earth

GEOG 335 - Earth Resources and the Environment

GEOG 421 - Climatology

GEOL 100 - Natural Disasters

GEOL 101 - Exploring Planet Earth

GEOL 102 - Earth and Life Through Time

GEOL 110 - Global Warming

GEOL 220 - Mineralogy

GEOL 221 - Introduction to Optical Mineralogy and Petrography

GEOL 301 - Fossil Record

GEOL 302 - Paleontology Laboratory

GEOL 303 - Global Environmental Change

GEOL 327 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology/Petrography

GEOL 330 - Introduction to Geochemistry

GEOL 333 - Principles of Geomorphology

GEOL 334 - Environmental Geology

GEOL 335 - Earth Resources and the Environment

GEOL 352 - Field Trip

GEOL 362 - Principles of Stratigraphy and Sedimentation

GEOL 419 - Medical Geology

GEOL 425 - Principles of Geochemistry

GEOL 429 - Geochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

GEOL 430 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Theory and Applications

GEOL 434 - Quaternary Geology

GEOL 436 - Quaternary Paleoecology

GEOL 437 - Paleoclimatology

GEOL 440 - Volcanology

GEOL 442 - Structural Geology

GEOL 443 - Plate Tectonics

GEOL 444 - Tectonics of Orogenic Belts

GEOL 448 - Field Geology I

GEOL 449 - Geochronology

GEOL 470 - Planetary Geology

GEOL 472 - Advanced Field Geology

GEOL 474 - Hydrogeology

GEOL 477 - Geology of Metallic Ore Deposits

GEOL 478 - Hydrogeochemistry

GEOL 485 - Engineering Geology

GEOL 488 - Microtechniques in Geoscience

GEOL 491 - Seminar

GEOL 495 - Independent Study and Research

GEOL 496 - Advanced Topics in Geoscience

GEOL 497 - Senior Thesis

GEOL 610 - Soil Classification and Resource Management

GEOL 619 - Medical Geology

GEOL 625 - Principles of Geochemistry

GEOL 629 - Geochemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

GEOL 630 - Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Theory and Applications

GEOL 636 - Quaternary Paleoecology

GEOL 637 - Paleoclimatology

GEOL 640 - Volcanology

GEOL 643 - Plate Tectonics

GEOL 644 - Tectonics of Orogenic Belts

GEOL 645L - Geophysical Methods Lab

GEOL 646 - Geologic Applications in Remote Sensing

GEOL 646L - Geologic Applications in Remote Sensing Lab

GEOL 649 - Geochronology

GEOL 670 - Planetary Geology

GEOL 671 - Petroleum Geology

GEOL 674 - Hydrogeology

GEOL 675 - Contaminant Hydrogeology - Hazardous Site Assesment and Remediation

GEOL 677 - Geology of Metallic Ore Deposits

GEOL 678 - Hydrogeochemistry

GEOL 685 - Engineering Geology

GEOL 701 - Research Methods in Geoscience

GEOL 703 - Topics in Advanced Geochemistry

GEOL 707 - Stable Isotope Geochemistry

GEOL 708 - Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry

GEOL 709 - Field Methods in Hydrogeology

GEOL 710 - Igneous Petrology

GEOL 711 - Principles of Hydrology and Hydraulics

GEOL 712 - Watershed Hydrology

GEOL 715 - Advanced Hydrogeology

GEOL 719 - Vadose Zone Hydrology

GEOL 725 - Seminar in Petrology

GEOL 727 - Metamorphic Petrology

GEOL 730 - Seminar in Quaternary Studies

GEOL 735 - Seminar in Environmental Geology

GEOL 742 - Seminar in Volcanology

GEOL 744 - Tectonics and Structures

GEOL 746 - Strain and Microstructural Analysis

GEOL 747 - Geological Evolution of Western North America

GEOL 749 - Advanced Geochronology and Thermochronology

GEOL 755 - Seminar in Paleontology

GEOL 762 - Geological Applications of Computers

GEOL 766 - Earth Systems Change

GEOL 770 - Sedimentary Basins

GEOL 772L - Reflection Seismic Data Interpretation Laboratory

GEOL 777 - Instrumental Techniques in Geology

GEOL 781 - Carbonate Depositional Systems

GEOL 785 - Seminar in Sedimentology

GEOL 786 - Soils Applications: Paleoclimate, Neotectonics, Archeology

GEOL 787 - Thesis Research

GEOL 789 - Dissertation Research

GEOL 792 - Seminar in Hydroscience

GEOL 793 - Independent Study and Research

GEOL 794 - Directed Readings

GEOL 795 - Poster Presentation and Time Management

GEOL 796 - Advanced Topics in Geoscience

GEOL 797 - Thesis

GEOL 799 - Dissertation

GER 113 - Elementary German I

GER 114 - Elementary German II

GER 116 - Elementary German Conversation

GER 187 - Study Abroad in Foreign Language, Literature, or Culture I

GER 213 - Intermediate German I

GER 214 - Intermediate German II

GER 225 - German Grammar Review

GER 287 - Study Abroad in Foreign Language, Literature, or Culture II

GER 299 - Introductory German Texts in the Humanities

GER 301 - Third-Year German: Composition and Conversation I

GER 302 - Third-Year German: Composition and Conversation II

GER 311 - Introduction to German Linguistics

GER 312 - German Phonetics

GER 321 - German Culture and Civilization

GER 322 - Contemporary Germany and Austria

GER 331 - German Literature in Translation Drama

GER 332 - German Literature in Translation Prose

GER 341 - German Literature to 1624

GER 342 - German Literature from 1624 to the Present

GER 387 - Study Abroad in Foreign Language, Literature, or Culture III

GER 399 - Advanced German Texts in the Humanities

GER 401 - - Advanced German Composition and Conversation I

GER 402 - - Advanced German Composition and Conversation II

GER 405 - German Translation and Interpretation

GER 406 - German Translation Project

GER 409 - Independent Study

GER 416 - Business German

GER 420 - German Drama Production

GER 425 - Topics in German Culture

GER 441 - Drama and Film of German Expressionism

GER 443 - Modern German Culture Through Film

GER 455 - German Literature of the Baroque

GER 457 - German Literature of the Enlightenment

GER 461 - Storm and Stress and Classicism

GER 471 - Romanticism

GER 472 - Nineteenth-Century Drama and Poetry

GER 473 - Nineteenth-Century Prose

GER 480 - Modern German Literature I

GER 481 - Modern German Literature II

GER 482 - Contemporary German Literature

GER 487 - Study Abroad in Foreign Language, Literature, or Culture IV

GER 490 - Selected Topics of German Literature

GER 499 - Intensive Advanced German Texts in the Humanities

GRC 250 - Design & Media Studio I

GRC 320 - Design Methods & Research

GRC 350 - Design Ideation & Process

GRC 360 - Typography & Letterforms

GRC 364 - Publication Design

GRC 365 - Web and User Interface Design

GRC 375 - Modeling & Animation

GRC 380 - Design & Media Studio II

GRC 420 - Design & Media Studio III

GRC 455 - Motion Graphics

GRC 460 - Advanced Typography

GRC 470 - Advanced Graphic Design

GRC 480 - Capstone

GRC 490 - Graphic Design/Media Internship

GRC 492 - Individual Studies

GRE 113 - Classical Greek I

GRE 114 - Classical Greek II

GRE 115 - Modern Greek I

GRE 213 - Classical Greek III

GRE 331 - Greek Literature in Translation

GSC 100 - First Year Experience Seminar

GSC 300 - Second-Year Seminar: Civic Engagement in Urban Communities

GSC 400 - Brookings: Analyzing National Governance Issues

GSC 410 - Brookings: National Economic Studies

GSC 420 - Brookings: U.S. Foreign Policy

GSC 430 - Brookings: Global Development

GSC 440 - Brookings: Metropolitan Policy

GWK 300 - Great Works of Philosophy and Literature