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University of Nevada-Las Vegas Course Info

Las Vegas, Nevada•

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Course Info

Search for courses by clicking on letters of the alphabet or by using a search bar. Explore course description, number of credits required and course sequences to satisfy graduation requirements.

PAF 701 - Origins and Development of Public Policy in America

PAF 702 - Role of Government in Society

PAF 703 - Institutions and Policy Decisions

PAF 704 - Public Affairs as a Profession

PAF 710 - Theory and Design of Research

PAF 711 - Advanced Seminar in Quantitative Research in Public Affairs

PAF 717 - Theory and Practice of Public Sector Survey Research

PAF 752 - Social Policy, the Individual, and Society

PAF 780 - Geographic Information System and Spatial Analysis for Public Affairs

PAF 795 - Directed Readings in Public Affairs

PAF 797 - Independent Research in Public Affairs

PAF 799 - Dissertation Research in Public Affairs

PBH 165 - Personal Health Across the Lifespan

PBH 170 - Advanced First Aid

PBH 200 - Multicultural Health

PBH 202 - Introduction to Epidemiology

PBH 205 - Introduction to Public Health

PBH 210 - Principles of Health Promotion

PBH 225 - History of Public Health

PBH 275 - Injury Prevention and Control

PBH 280 - Experiential Learning in Public Health

PBH 305 - Consumer Health

PBH 320 - Public and Community Health

PBH 330 - Global Health

PBH 340 - Built Environment and Health

PBH 360 - Research Methods for Public Health

PBH 365 - Applied Biostatistics for Public Health

PBH 407 - Stress Management

PBH 422 - AIDS: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

PBH 424 - Teaching Elementary School Health

PBH 427 - Methods in Health Education

PBH 429 - Education for Sexuality

PBH 430 - Nutrition

PBH 435 - Health Studies on Dangerous Drugs

PBH 440 - Program Planning and Evaluation

PBH 445 - Food access and health

PBH 455 - Active Transport, Physical Activity and Health

PBH 460 - Health Ecology and Sustainability

PBH 490 - Pre-Capstone for Public Health

PBH 495 - Public Health Capstone

PBH 497 - Independent Study in Public Health

PBH 498 - Special Topics in Public Health

PED 307 - Evaluation of Physical Education

PED 340 - Teaching Rhythmic Activities

PED 350 - Psychology of Coaching

PED 428 - Methods of Teaching Sports and Physical Activity

PED 703 - Readings in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

PED 705 - Philosophy of Physical Education

PED 710 - Curriculum in Physical Education

PED 714 - Analysis of Teaching Physical Education

PED 715 - Supervision of Physical Education

PED 720 - Issues and Trends in Physical Education

PED 721 - Sport Facility and Risk Management

PED 731 - Financing Sport and Athletic Programs

PED 732 - Collegiate Athletic Administration

PED 733 - Interscholastic Athletics

PED 748 - Professional Paper

PED 750 - Biophysical Foundations of Physical Education and Sport

PED 765 - Survey and Analysis of Professional Literature in Physical Education

PED 774 - College Teaching in Sports Education Leadership

PED 780 - Colloquium in Sports Education Leadership

PED 790 - Independent Study in Athletic Administration

PED 794 - Independent Study in Pedagogy

PEX 101 - Backpacking and Camping

PEX 102 - Badminton

PEX 103 - Canoeing

PEX 105 - Scuba

PEX 106 - Swim Instructor Training (WSI)

PEX 106B - Lifeguard Training

PEX 107B - Swimming (Beginning)

PEX 107C - Swimming (Intermediate)

PEX 108 - Line Dancing

PEX 110 - Fitness Walking

PEX 111 - Jogging

PEX 113 - Basketball

PEX 115 - Aikido (Beginning)

PEX 117 - Golf

PEX 123 - Racquetball

PEX 124 - Soccer

PEX 125 - Softball

PEX 127 - Tennis

PEX 127A - Tennis Intermediate

PEX 129 - Volleyball

PEX 129A - Volleyball Int/Adv

PEX 130 - Step Aerobics

PEX 134 - Rock Climbing

PEX 134A - Rock Climbing Int/Adv

PEX 139 - Wilderness Skills

PEX 141 - Martial Arts Cross Training

PEX 145 - Boot Camp

PEX 146 - Self-Defense

PEX 147 - Tae Kwon Do (Beginning)

PEX 148 - Tai Chi

PEX 149 - Zumba

PEX 152 - Total Body Conditioning for Women

PEX 152B - Weight Training for Women

PEX 153 - Bowling

PEX 154 - Indoor Cycling

PEX 156 - Body Weight Bootcamp

PEX 157 - Dance Conditioning

PEX 160 - Latin Nightclub Dance

PEX 161 - Pilates

PEX 162 - Sports Officiating

PEX 163 - Triathlon Training

PEX 164 - Cardio-Kickboxing

PEX 165 - Outdoor Boot Camp

PEX 166 - Boxing Aerobic Conditioning

PEX 169 - Hatha Yoga

PEX 169B - Yoga Intermediate

PEX 169C - Low Back Care Through Gentle Yoga

PEX 173 - Circuit Training

PEX 175A - CrossFit Beginning

PEX 175B - CrossFit Intermediate

PEX 177 - Canoeing the Black Canyon

PEX 178 - Kali Martial Arts

PEX 181 - Winter Camping and Travel

PEX 182 - Obstacle Course Training (Beginner)

PEX 182A - Obstacle Course Training (Intermediate)

PEX 183 - Weight Training

PEX 187 - Hip Hop

PEX 189 - Ballroom Dancing

PEX 199 - Specific Topics

PEX 201 - Fundamentals of Coaching

PGDE 8312 - Independent Research I

PGDE 8313 - Independent Research II

PGDE 8314 - Independent Research III

PGDE 8315 - Independent Research III

PGDE 8316 - Independent Research

PGDE 8402 - Biomedical Sciences Core I

PGDE 8403 - Biomedical Sciences Core II

PGDE 8415 - Advanced Biomedical Sciences

PGDE 8503 - Interdisciplinary Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

PGDE 8516 - Adv Clin Sci: Radiology

PGDE 8517 - TMD

PGDE 8701 - PSC: Lit Review

PGDE 8702 - Res Design

PGDE 8703 - Research Methods II

PGDE 8715 - PSC: Practice Management

PGDE 8901 - Thesis

PGM 101 - Golf for Business and Life

PGM 102 - Introduction to Player Development

PGM 110 - Introduction to PGA Golf Management

PGM 111 - Teaching & Coaching Level 1

PGM 162 - PGM Internship I

PGM 201 - Golf Facility Management Level 1

PGM 202 - Teaching & Coaching Level 2

PGM 262 - PGM Internship II

PGM 301 - Golf Facility Management Level 2

PGM 302 - Teaching & Coaching Level 3

PGM 311 - PGA/PGMTM level 2

PGM 362 - PGM Internship III

PGM 401 - Golf Facility Management Level 3

PGM 411 - PGA/PGMTM level 3

PGM 462 - PGM Internship IV

PGM 463 - A-E Professional Golf Management Internship I-V

PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy

PHIL 102 - Critical Thinking and Reasoning

PHIL 105 - Evidence and Inductive Reasoning

PHIL 114 - Introduction to Symbolic Logic

PHIL 115 - Philosophy of Death and Dying

PHIL 117 - Indian Philosophy of Mind and Mental Health

PHIL 124 - Philosophical Traditions of Asia

PHIL 130 - Topics in Philosophy or Religion

PHIL 135 - Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 203 - Existentialism

PHIL 205 - Science and Religion

PHIL 210 - World Religions

PHIL 217 - Introduction to the Study of Marxism

PHIL 225 - Introduction to Indian Philosophy

PHIL 242 - Ethics For Engineers and Scientists

PHIL 245 - Contemporary Moral Issues

PHIL 247 - Philosophy of Feminism

PHIL 249 - Environmental Ethics

PHIL 283 - Philosophy Milestone Experience

PHIL 302 - Intermediate Critical Thinking and Reasoning

PHIL 304 - Just War Theory and Military History

PHIL 310 - Great Philosophers

PHIL 311 - Professional Ethics

PHIL 320 - Philosophy of Law

PHIL 322 - Inductive Logic and Probability

PHIL 330 - Computers and Culture

PHIL 342 - Phenomenology

PHIL 345 - Health Care Ethics

PHIL 352 - Special Topics

PHIL 356 - Theories of Culture

PHIL 401 - Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 402 - Medieval Philosophy

PHIL 403 - Early Modern Philosophy

PHIL 404 - Nineteenth-Century Philosophy

PHIL 405 - Contemporary Philosophy

PHIL 406 - American Philosophy

PHIL 410 - Plato

PHIL 411 - Aristotle

PHIL 415 - Kant

PHIL 420 - Logical Theory

PHIL 422 - Advanced Logic

PHIL 425 - Philosophy of Language

PHIL 430 - Philosophy of Science

PHIL 431 - History of Scientific Thought

PHIL 432 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences

PHIL 433 - Philosophical Psychology

PHIL 434 - Philosophy of Cognitive Science

PHIL 435 - Philosophy of Mind

PHIL 437 - Philosophy of History

PHIL 440 - Theory of Knowledge

PHIL 441 - Metaphysics

PHIL 446 - Social and Political Philosophy

PHIL 450 - Ethical Theory

PHIL 452 - Aesthetics

PHIL 459 - Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 467 - Indian Philosophy

PHIL 468 - Chinese and Japanese Philosophy

PHIL 469 - Gandhian Welfare Philosophy and Culture

PHIL 472 - Selected Topics in Religion

PHIL 482 - Living Philosophers Colloquium

PHIL 483 - Senior Seminar

PHIL 499 - Directed Study

PHIL 601 - Ancient Philosophy

PHIL 603 - Early Modern Philosophy

PHIL 604 - 19th Century Philosophy

PHIL 605 - Contemporary Philosophy

PHIL 606 - American Philosophy

PHIL 615 - Kant

PHIL 622 - Advanced Logic

PHIL 625 - Philosophy of Language

PHIL 630 - Philosophy of Science

PHIL 631 - History of Scientific Thought

PHIL 634 - Philosophy Cognitive Science

PHIL 640 - Theory of Knowledge

PHIL 641 - Metaphysics

PHIL 650 - Ethical Theory

PHIL 652 - Aesthetics

PHYS 108 - Physics For A Better Environment

PHYS 108L - Physics for a Better Environment Laboratory

PHYS 109 - The Physics of Climate Change

PHYS 115 - Physics for Future Presidents

PHYS 120 - Introduction to Einsteins Spacetime

PHYS 151 - General Physics I

PHYS 151L - General Physics I

PHYS 152 - General Physics II

PHYS 152L - General Physics II

PHYS 180 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I

PHYS 180L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lab I

PHYS 181 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II

PHYS 181L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lab II

PHYS 182 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers III

PHYS 182L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Lab III

PHYS 191 - Directed Study

PHYS 250 - Special Relativity

PHYS 300 - Introduction to Physics and Scientific Computing

PHYS 350 - Introduction to General Relativity

PHYS 404 - Computational Techniques in Physics

PHYS 411 - Modern Physics I

PHYS 412 - Modern Physics II

PHYS 413 - Intermediate Laboratory I

PHYS 414 - Intermediate Laboratory II

PHYS 421 - Electricity and Magnetism I

PHYS 422 - Electricity and Magnetism II

PHYS 423 - Mechanics I

PHYS 424 - Mechanics II

PHYS 426 - Physics of Solids

PHYS 431 - Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics

PHYS 441 - Mathematical Physics

PHYS 442 - Mathematical Physics II

PHYS 451 - Modern Scientific Instrumentation

PHYS 461 - Light and Physical Optics

PHYS 462 - Modern Optics and Photonics

PHYS 467 - Thermodynamics

PHYS 468 - Statistical Mechanics

PHYS 481 - Quantum Mechanics I

PHYS 482 - Quantum Mechanics II

PHYS 483 - Special Topics in Physics

PHYS 485 - Condensed Matter Physics

PHYS 491 - Independent Study

PHYS 493 - Special Problems

PHYS 604 - Computational Techniques in Physics

PHYS 614 - Intermediate Laboratory II

PHYS 622 - Electricity and Magnetism

PHYS 624 - Mechanics

PHYS 631 - Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics

PHYS 641 - Mathematical Physics I

PHYS 642 - Mathematical Physics II

PHYS 651 - Modern Scientific Instrumentation

PHYS 661 - Light and Physical Optics

PHYS 667 - Thermodynamics

PHYS 668 - Statistical Mechanics

PHYS 681 - Quantum Mechanics I

PHYS 682 - Quantum Mechanics II

PHYS 683 - Special Topics in Physics

PHYS 685 - Condensed Matter Physics

PHYS 700 - Mathematical Physics I

PHYS 701 - Mathematical Physics II

PHYS 702 - Classical Mechanics I

PHYS 707 - Condensed Matter Theory I

PHYS 708 - Condensed Matter Theory II

PHYS 711 - Electromagnetic Theory I

PHYS 712 - Electromagnetic Theory II

PHYS 721 - Quantum Theory I

PHYS 722 - Quantum Theory II

PHYS 723 - Quantum Optics

PHYS 724 - Laser Applications: Interaction with Matter

PHYS 731 - Statistical Physics I

PHYS 771 - Advanced Topics in Experimental and Theoretical Physics

PHYS 777 - Advanced Special Problems

PHYS 796 - Graduate Seminar

PHYS 797 - Thesis

PHYS 799 - Doctoral Dissertation

PPY 700 - Framework for Understanding Public Policy and Agenda Setting

PPY 710 - Problem Identification and Agendas

PPY 720 - Using Data to Define a Problems

PPY 730 - Framing Public Policy Issues

PSC 100 - Nevada Constitution

PSC 101 - Introduction to American Politics

PSC 200 - Survey of Political Theory

PSC 211 - Introduction to Comparative Politics

PSC 231 - Introduction to International Relations

PSC 302 - Research Methods in Political Science

PSC 304 - The Legislative Process

PSC 305 - The American Presidency

PSC 312 - Political Parties and Interest Groups

PSC 314 - Religion and the Political Process

PSC 316 - Politics of Abortion

PSC 320 - Policy Analysis

PSC 321 - Analyzing Policy Issues

PSC 330 - Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers

PSC 332 - Judicial Process

PSC 371 - Ancient Political Theory

PSC 373 - Early Modern Political Theory

PSC 374 - Late Modern Political Theory

PSC 375 - Recent Political Theory

PSC 400A - Elements of Survey Research

PSC 400E - Politics in Literature

PSC 400F - Politics in Film

PSC 401A - Urban Politics

PSC 401B - Mass Media and American Politics

PSC 401C - Money in U.S. Politics

PSC 401D - State Politics

PSC 401F - Public Opinion and Political Behavior

PSC 401G - Political Campaigns and Elections

PSC 401I - Ethnic and Minority Politics

PSC 401J - Women in Politics

PSC 401K - American Political Movements

PSC 401O - U.S. Elections and Governance

PSC 401Z - Special Topics in American Politics

PSC 403A - Natural Resource Policy

PSC 403B - Energy Politics and Policy

PSC 403C - Environmental Policy

PSC 403F - U.S. Nuclear Policy: Weapons and Waste

PSC 403I - National Security Policy

PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruption

PSC 403L - Morality Policy

PSC 403N - Public Policy Around the World

PSC 403Z - Special Topics in Public Policy

PSC 405B - International Law and Organizations

PSC 405C - Inter-American Relations

PSC 405DR - U.S. Foreign Policy

PSC 405E - Foreign Policy of the Major Powers

PSC 405J - The European Union

PSC 405K - International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa

PSC 405L - East Asia in World Politics

PSC 405M - The Pacific Rim and World Politics

PSC 405N - Regional and International Relations of Latin America and the Caribbean

PSC 405O - Model United Nations

PSC 405P - Global Political Economy

PSC 405Q - Global Ecopolitics

PSC 405R - Africa in World Politics

PSC 405S - U.S. Strategic Intelligence

PSC 405T - International Environmental Politics

PSC 405U - International Security

PSC 405V - International & U.S. Immigration Policy

PSC 405W - New Issues in Foreign Policy

PSC 405Y - Global Economic Governance

PSC 405Z - Special Topics in International Relations and Foreign Policy

PSC 406A - Women and International Politics

PSC 406B - Politics of Globalization

PSC 407A - Politics of European Democracies

PSC 407B - Political Systems of East Asia

PSC 407C - Political Systems of Russia and Post-Soviet Countries

PSC 407D - Political Systems of the Middle East and North Africa

PSC 407E - Politics in Latin America

PSC 407G - Communist Political Systems

PSC 407I - Politics and Problems in Developing Areas

PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics

PSC 407M - The Mexican Revolution

PSC 407N - Revolution and Reaction in Contemporary Latin America

PSC 407O - Islamic Politics

PSC 407Q - Political Violence and Terrorism

PSC 407T - The Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa

PSC 407U - Democratization

PSC 407W - Politics Of Catholicism

PSC 407Z - Special Topics in Comparative Politics

PSC 409C - American Political Thought

PSC 409E - Political Theory and Political Education

PSC 409H - The Problem of Socrates

PSC 409I - Marx and Marxism

PSC 409J - Feminist Political Theory

PSC 409L - Medieval Political Theory

PSC 409Z - Special Topics in Political Theory

PSC 411A - Constitutional Law: The First Amendment

PSC 411B - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights

PSC 411C - Legal Theory

PSC 411D - Constitutional Rights of Women

PSC 411E - Constitutional Rights of the Accused

PSC 411F - Constitutional Theory

PSC 411H - Comparative Law

PSC 411I - Supreme Court and Capitalism

PSC 411Z - Special Topics in Public Law

PSC 480A - Independent Study and Research in Political Science

PSC 490A - Internship: Administrative

PSC 490B - Internship: Legislative

PSC 490C - Internship: Campaign

PSC 490D - Internship: Legal

PSC 490E - Internship: Political News Broadcast

PSC 499 - Senior Seminar

PSC 701 - Research Design and Methodology

PSC 702 - Advanced Quantitative Methods I

PSC 703 - Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methods

PSC 710R - Proseminar in American Politics

PSC 713 - American National Government: Principles

PSC 714 - American National Government: Structure and Processes

PSC 719 - Advanced Studies in American Politics

PSC 721 - Public Policy Process

PSC 723 - Policy Analysis

PSC 729 - Advanced Studies in Public Policy

PSC 732 - Constitutional Law

PSC 739 - Advanced Studies in Public Law

PSC 740 - Proseminar in International Relations

PSC 741 - U.S. Foreign Policy

PSC 746 - Middle East in World Affairs

PSC 747 - Pacific Rim in World Affairs

PSC 751 - International Political Economy

PSC 754 - Global Governance

PSC 755 - International Security

PSC 759 - Advanced Studies in International Relations

PSC 760R - Proseminar in Comparative Politics

PSC 761 - Middle Eastern and North African Politics

PSC 762 - African Politics

PSC 763 - European Politics

PSC 764 - Latin American Politics

PSC 767 - Comparative Democratization

PSC 775 - Comparative Political Behavior

PSC 779R - Advanced Studies in Comparative Politics

PSC 780R - Proseminar in Political Theory

PSC 781 - Political Theory before 1500

PSC 782R - Political Theory from 1500 to 1900

PSC 783 - Political Theory since 1900

PSC 789R - Special Topic: Advanced Studies in Political Theory

PSC 790 - SP Topics: Studies in Political Science

PSC 791 - M.A. Independent Study in Political Science

PSC 792 - Ph.D. Independent Study in Political Science

PSC 793 - Internship in Political Science

PSC 795 - Directed Readings in Political Science

PSC 796 - Thesis

PSC 799 - Dissertation

PSY 101 - General Psychology

PSY 102 - Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment

PSY 200 - Introduction to the Psychology Major

PSY 201 - Development Across the Lifespan

PSY 210 - Introduction to Statistical Methods

PSY 240 - Research Methods

PSY 264 - African American Psychology

PSY 299 - Special Topics

PSY 303 - Foundations of Physiological Psychology

PSY 305 - Foundations of Perception

PSY 308 - History of Psychology

PSY 316 - Foundations of Cognitive Psychology

PSY 330 - Foundations of Developmental Psychology: Infant and Child

PSY 334 - Foundations of Developmental Psychology: Adolescence and Adulthood

PSY 341 - Foundations of Abnormal Psychology

PSY 342 - Forensic Psychology

PSY 350 - Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology

PSY 360 - Foundations of Social Psychology

PSY 361 - Healthcare Provider Skills

PSY 406 - Intermediate Statistics

PSY 412 - Motivation and Emotion

PSY 417 - Psycholinguistics

PSY 420 - Psychology of Learning

PSY 421 - Behavior Modification

PSY 422 - Psychopharmacology of Abused Drugs

PSY 423 - Language Development

PSY 424 - Neurobiology of Learning and Memory

PSY 425 - Cognitive Neuroscience

PSY 428 - Cellular and Molecular Approaches to Behavior

PSY 431 - Multicultural Psychology

PSY 432 - Human Memory

PSY 433 - Culture and Personality

PSY 435 - Personality

PSY 438 - Childhood Behavior Disorders

PSY 442 - Psychology of Aging

PSY 446 - Human Neuropsychology

PSY 451 - Basic Principles of Psychotherapy

PSY 466 - Dimensions of Human Sexuality

PSY 467 - Psychology of Gender

PSY 469 - Psychology and the Legal System

PSY 470 - Health Psychology

PSY 481 - Principles of Psychological Assessment

PSY 490 - Capstone in Psychology

PSY 494 - Undergraduate Internship in Psychology

PSY 495 - Seminar

PSY 496 - Advanced Independent Study

PSY 497 - Supervised Field Experience

PSY 498 - Advanced Independent Research

PSY 499 - Advanced Special Topics

PSY 701 - Biological Bases of Behavior

PSY 702 - Sensation and Perception

PSY 703 - Cognitive Psychology

PSY 704 - Social Psychology

PSY 705 - Developmental Psychology

PSY 707 - Research Methods

PSY 708 - Statistics for Psychologists I

PSY 709 - Statistics for Psychologists II

PSY 710 - Multivariate Analysis in Psychology

PSY 711 - Advanced Seminar in Psychological Statistics

PSY 712 - Psychometrics

PSY 713 - Developmental Research

PSY 714 - History and Foundations of Clinical Psychology

PSY 715 - Assessment of Children

PSY 716 - Assessment of Adults

PSY 717 - Cognitive Methods

PSY 718 - Cognitive Science

PSY 719 - Behavioral Neuroscience

PSY 720 - Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience

PSY 721 - Developmental Science

PSY 725 - Intervention with Children

PSY 726 - Intervention with Adults

PSY 736 - Psychopathology

PSY 737 - Child Psychopathology

PSY 740 - Topics in Developmental Psychology

PSY 741 - Psychology and Health

PSY 742 - Psychopharmacology

PSY 743 - Human Sexuality

PSY 744 - Neuropsychology

PSY 747 - Topics in Perception

PSY 748 - Topics in Memory:

PSY 749 - Topics in Cognitive Processes:

PSY 750 - Diversity in Professional Psychology

PSY 752 - Group Psychotherapy: Principles and Practice

PSY 755 - Ethics and Professional Issues

PSY 756 - Ethics, Professional Issues, and Diversity in Experimental Psychology

PSY 757 - Teaching of Psychology

PSY 758 - Proseminar in Experimental Psychology

PSY 762 - Introduction to Clinical Supervision

PSY 765 - Seminar

PSY 766 - Independent Study

PSY 767 - Practicum

PSY 768 - Independent Research

PSY 769 - Thesis

PSY 770 - Dissertation

PSY 771 - Professional Internship

PSY 772 - Experimental Psychology Qualifying Paper Research

PTS 702 - Critical Appraisal and Synthesis of Research in Rehabilitation

PTS 703 - Measurement Theory and Outcomes in Rehabilitation

PTS 712 - Physiological Bases of Rehabilitation

PTS 713 - Genomic and Regenerative Rehabilitation Concepts

PTS 714 - Neuroplasticity

PTS 715 - Pathobiomechanics

PTS 744 - Gross Human Anatomy

PTS 744L - Gross Human Anatomy Lab

PTS 747 - Human Neuroanatomy

PUA 250 - Local Government Administration

PUA 403 - Risk Management in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors

PUA 404 - Risk Assessment and Risk Management

PUA 410 - Research Methods for Public Administration

PUA 422 - Leadership of Public Bureaucracies

PUA 424 - Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Public and Nonprofit Organizations

PUA 425 - Public Budgeting and Finance

PUA 490 - Seminar in Public Administration

PUA 498 - Independent Study

PUA 610 - Grant Writing for Public and Nonprofit Managers

PUA 611 - Policy Advocacy and Lobbying

PUA 612 - Performance Measurement for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

PUA 613 - Leadership and Ethics for Public and Nonprofit Managers

PUA 680 - Geographic Information Systems for Socioeconomic Analysis & Environmental Management

PUA 701 - Governance and the Urban Community

PUA 703 - Seminar In Organization Theory

PUA 705 - Public Goods and Public Finance

PUA 707 - Law and Public Policy

PUA 708 - Organizations and Organizational Behavior

PUA 711 - Seminar in Administrative Behavior

PUA 715 - Administrative Law

PUA 718 - Career Development and Performance Appraisal in the Public Sector

PUA 721 - Quantitative Methods for Public Administration

PUA 723 - Research and Analytical Methods

PUA 725 - Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation

PUA 727 - Theory and Practice of Public Sector Survey Research

PUA 729 - MPA Capstone Experience

PUA 740 - Urban Administration

PUA 741 - Leading and Assessing Change in Organizations

PUA 745 - Administration in a Federal and Intergovernmental Perspective

PUA 749 - Ethics in Public Administration

PUA 750 - Education Policy

PUA 751 - Origins and Development of Public Policy in America

PUA 756 - Policy Implementation

PUA 761 - Introduction to Workforce Education

PUA 762 - Needs Assessment and Evaluation

PUA 763 - Facilitation Skills for Workplace Learning and Performance

PUA 764 - Technologies for the Workplace

PUA 770 - Nonprofit Management and Theories of the 3rd Sector

PUA 771 - Grant Writing and Evaluation Field Study

PUA 772 - Grant Evaluation and Strategic Allocation Field Study

PUA 774 - Community Outreach and Volunteerism

PUA 775 - Strategic Planning and Program Evaluation for Nonprofits

PUA 776 - Development for Nonprofit Managers

PUA 790 - Internship Program in Public Administration

PUA 792 - Current Issues in Public Administration

PUA 798 - Research in Public Administration