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University of North Carolina at Charlotte Course Info

Charlotte, North Carolina


Course Info

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HIST 3270

History of Capitalism in the U.S.

Explores the history of the U.S. economy and the history of capitalism in the U.S, from the Colonial Era to the 21st century, with special attention to the development of business enterprises, business-labor relations, and business-government relations. Topics include: agriculture, labor, and commerce in the colonial-era Atlantic world; the rise and fall of slavery; industrialization; money, banking, and finance; the rise of big business and antitrust regulation; lobbying; the rise and decline of organized labor; the New Deal order; the changing position of the U.S in the global economy; and recent trends in the direction of de-industrialization, financialization, and growing inequalities of income and wealth. Besides acquiring a rich understanding of the history of capitalism and the past and present dynamics of the U.S. economy, students hone their skills in critical evaluation of qualitative and quantitative evidence, original historical research, and advanced analytical writing.

Units: 3.0